Awards & Grants
World’s top 2% of scientists (2023) by Stanford University.
Best Article Award (2021) for article "Refined Measures of Dynamic Connectedness based on Time-Varying Parameter Vector Autoregressions" published in the Journal of Risk and Financial Management, MDPI.
Outstanding Reviewer Award (2017), Economics Letters, Elsevier.
One of the 5 most highly cited papers published in Economics Letters (2016) "Dynamic co-movements of stock market returns, implied volatility and policy uncertainty", published in 2013 in Economics Letters, Elsevier.
Top 1% 2016 Highly Cited Researchers in Economics Award (2016), Thomson Reuters.
Outstanding Reviewer Award (2015), Energy Economics, Elsevier.
Neil Rackham Best Research Dissemination Award (2014), University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth Business School for publication in Social Science & Medicine, Elsevier.
Research Excellence Framework (REF) (2014).
Top-Journal-Article Award (June, 2017), Vienna University of Economics & Business (WU) for publication in Handbook of the Economics of European Integration, Routledge.
Top-Journal-Article Award (December, 2016), Vienna University of Economics & Business (WU) for publication in Economic Modelling, Elsevier.
Top-Journal-Article Award (December, 2015), Vienna University of Economics & Business (WU) for publication in The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, Elsevier.
Top-Journal-Article Award (April, 2015), Vienna University of Economics & Business (WU) for publication in Economic Modelling, Elsevier.
Top-Journal-Article Award (December, 2014), Vienna University of Economics & Business (WU) for publication in Energy Economics, Elsevier.
Top-Journal-Article Award (December, 2014), Vienna University of Economics & Business (WU) for publication in Applied Economics, Taylor & Francis Online.
Top-Journal-Article Award (December, 2012), Vienna University of Economics & Business (WU) for publication in Economics Letters, Elsevier.
Top-Journal-Article Award (April, 2012), Vienna University of Economics & Business (WU) for publication in Applied Economics Letters, Taylor & Francis Online.
3-year Ph.D. Scholarship, University of Strathclyde, £36,900.
Scientific Advisor "Macroeconomic Imbalances and Business Cycle Synchronization in the EU." Anniversary Fund, Austrian Central Bank (OeNB), project number: 15798, duration: 2014-2015. €20,000.
Co-Investigator "From Rome to Lisbon: Power of EU Member States and the EU's Capability to Act in Light: An Interdisciplinary Assessment." Anniversary Fund, Austrian Central Bank (OeNB), project number: 14028, duration: 2011-2012. Amount: €120,000.
Co-Investigator "Does Integration and Economic Policy Coordination Promote Business Cycle Synchronization in the EU? (joint with Gabriele Tondl). Study under the Consortium Project "The Impact of the Single Internal Market on Cohesion: Implications for Cohesion Policy, Growth and Competitiveness" (head: London School of Economics), funded by the European Commission, DG Regio, duration: 2010-2011. Project number 2010.CE.16.B.AT.006, local Principal Investigator: Gabriele Tondl, Amount: €64,840.00.
Co-Investigator "Do Determinants of FDI to Developing Countries Di er among OECD Countries? Insights from a Bayesian Panel Data Approach (joint with Gabriele Tondl). Study under the Project "EU Foreign Direct Investment in Latin America", funded by the Jubilaeumsfonds Austrian Central Bank (OeNB), project number 11701, Principal Investigator: Gabriele Tondl, duration: 2006-2010. Amount: €92,000.00.